It Can’t Hurt
I am out of everything now except cupcakes and wine which, really, are the most important things. They just ship the wine here now and toss it on the porch, don’t even make you sign or show your license or anything. You could be an eight year old ordering for all your friends for all they know, or care. But, I’m enormously happy about this arrangement. And the cupcakes? Well, my favorite bakery offers them online. You choose from like a zillion different kinds, then drive around to the back and they bring them out and put them on a chair, you grab them and take off. It’s like some sort of parking lot drug deal. I have now tried just about every flavor they make. It’s a bad development. But, I decided even with all that, I needed a few other things, so I put on my Enormously Funny Cartoon mask (just hit the shop button and look for masks) and off I went. I have to plug these raccoon cartoon masks because I’m donating my part of the profit to Thistle Farms in Nashville, in memory of my dear John Prine. So, go check them out. Anyways, I wore a mask but only about half the other people in the store had one on. This is always how it is in America. Half do one thing and half the other. No middle ground. And some were actually arguing about it in the store. Right there in the produce aisle. Yep. I’m not gonna argue with strangers in the grocery store. That’s for Facebook. Really, I don’t do that, either, because it leads nowhere and while lots of people can argue and still be friends the next day, I can’t do that. I don’t like you anymore. I think you’re stupid, so that’s it, lol! I wore my mask and I kinda liked the whole disguise thing. Who knows if it helps, but it doesn’t hurt. I base a lot of my decisions in life on that theory. Drinking red wine might not help, but it doesn’t hurt. Then, I make sure I google the right thing to back up my arguments. “Drinking Red Wine Is Good For You.” And when I don’t want to run, I google, “If You Think You Might Be Getting Sick, Don’t Run” or “If Your Knee Kinda Hurts, Lay Off Running”, “Scientists Find Exercise Doesn’t Help Depression, Try Chocolate.” But, I digress. I got some groceries but no toilet paper or paper towels, of course. And the aisles all had these little arrows and signs advising you to only go one way but nobody was doing that. Nope. And, it was crowded. Americans are tired of staying home. In the checkout line, one woman announced she’d rather face death than stay home with her family one more day. I just sighed and threw a Hershey bar in my cart. Read somewhere it fights depression. Pretty sure it can’t hurt.